Latest News
Friday, 21 January 2022
The 2022 TIMETABLE is available on this site.
The 6 day Clinical Course will be conducted again 3 times in 2022 in May, August and November-December in Sydney and hopefully again in Brisbane and Melbourne as well as Sydney in 2023.
The Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) skills training (ST) component (4 day modules of the 6 days) of the CLINICAL COURSE HAS BEEN RE-APPROVED by the GPMHSC for the Clinical Courses for GPs to become eligible for the extra MEDICARE mental health item numbers.
The GPMHSC includes the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the RACGP and the ACRRM and the ANZCollege of Psychiatrists and the MHCA. The accreditations can be used as a guide by psychologists and social workers and OTs as well as by GPs towards Medicare re-accreditation. The RACGP have approved 5 of the 6 modules applied for in the clinical course for Accredited Activity status each worth 40 CPD points and also by the GPMHSC for MH-CPD and for FPS-CPD.
NB GPMHSC $600 FPS Training Subsidy Available
Eligible GPs will be refunded $600 upon successful completion of FPS ST and once their FPS provider status is confirmed by Services Australia (Medicare). The subsidy is available for GPs who undertake training and register between 1 August 2021 and 30 June 2022.
Advanced Clinical Courses are available in Sydney in 2022 for the Gestalt CBT-FPS course in February and March and in August for the hypnoanalysis CBT-FPS course.
Any eligible health professional can attend the first module of the clinical course as a stand alone Single Mental Health Module if there is availability due to coronavirus restrictions This module does NOT contain formal hypnosis but does contain both CBT and FPS. A re-application for re-approval for RACGP CPD points and GPMHSC FPS CPD will be made for the advanced courses in 2022.
The One Day Mental Health Module was previously also accredited for FPS CPD and is available for eligible health professionals who have completed FPS and CBT training previously. A re-application is also planned to be made for re-accreditation of this module in 2022.
Sunday, 10 October 2021
The 2021 TIMETABLE is available on this site.
The 6 day Clinical Course will be conducted again in 2021 from late November 29th until December the 4th in Sydney and hopefully again in Brisbane and Melbourne as well as Sydney in 2022.
The FPS component (4 day modules of the 6 day) of the CLINICAL COURSE HAS BEEN RE-APPROVED by the GPMHSC for the Clinical Courses for GPs to become eligible for the extra Medicare item numbers.
The GPMHSC includes the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the RACGP and the ACRRM and the ANZCollege of Psychiatrists and the MHCA. The accreditations can be used asa guide by psychologists and social workers and OTs as well as by GPs towards Medicare re-accreditation. The RACGP have approved 5 of the 6 modules applied for in the clinical course for Accredited Activity status each worth 40 CPD points and for MH-CPD and for FPS-CPD.
Advanced Clinical Courses are available in Sydney in 2021 and early 2022 for the Gestalt CBT-FPS course.
Any eligible health professional can attend the first module of the clinical course as a stand alone Single Mental Health Module if there is availability due to coronavirus restrictions This module does NOT contain formal hypnosis but does contain both CBT and FPS. A re-application for re-approval for RACGP CPD points and GPMHSC FPS CPD will be made for the advanced course in 2021.
The One Day Mental Health Module was previously also accredited for FPS CPD and is available for eligible health professionals who have completed FPS and CBT training previously. A re-application is also planned to be made for re-accreditation of this module in 2022.
Clinical Hypnosis CBT FPS Courses August and November/December (2021)
Friday, 25 June 2021
We are holding two more clinical courses in Sydney in 2021.
One in August 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 and the other:
November 29, 30 December 1, 2, 3, & 4.
These are 6 day courses from Monday to Saturday.
The 8 week early bird fee for the August clinical course has been extended to become a 6 week early bird fee due to the timing of this notice on the 25/06/21.
The Advanced clinical course will still be held at the start of August in Sydney.
2021 TIMETABLE (2)
Thursday, 04 March 2021
The 2021 TIMETABLE is NOW available on this site.
Clinical Courses are available at the 'start', the 'middle' and the 'end' of the 2021 year in Sydney and hopefully again in Brisbane and Melbourne as well as Sydney in 2022. A re-application is being made in 2021 for re-approval by the GPMHSC for the Clinical Courses for the extra Medicare item numbers for general practitioners (GPs). The GPMHSC includes the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the RACGP and the ACRRM and the ANZCollege of Psychiatrists and the MHCA. The accreditations can be used as a guide by psychologists and social workers and OTs as well as by GPs towards Medicare re-accreditation. The RACGP and the GPMHSC have approved 5 of the 6 modules of the clinical course so far (by 01/21) for CPD points and for MH-CPD and for FPS-CPD.
Advanced Clinical Courses are available in Sydney in 2021 and hopefully Melbourne as well in 2022.
Any eligible health professional can attend the first module of the clinical course as a stand alone Single Mental Health Module if there is availability due to coronavirus restrictions This module does NOT contain formal hypnosis but does contain both CBT and FPS. A re-application for re-approval for RACGP CPD points and GPMHSC FPS CPD will be made for module 3 of the clinical course and for the advanced course in 2021.
The One Day Mental Health Module was previously also accredited for FPS CPD and is available for eligible health professionals who have completed FPS and CBT training previously. A re-application is also planned to be made for re-accreditation of this module in 2021.
Courses and Coronavirus 2020
Tuesday, 09 June 2020
I hope that you received the Group Email which we sent on the 7/04/20 to everyone who has attended courses with the College of Medical Hypnosis CMH in the past or enquired about courses with the CMH. The email addressed Courses and the Coronavirus. If you did not receive it please let us know to check your email address in our system.
I have continued helping patients via telephone health and also in person with social distancing and masks at the clinics and it has been a very busy time, I imagine the same for most of you.
The Melbourne Clinical Course in June and in Brisbane are suspended at the moment until we all have a better idea of what is happening including with some of the Australian state borders closed. The Advanced Course for Melbourne in October and the Clinical Course for Sydney in November look like the most likely to be viable and hopefully also the Sydney Advanced Course in August.
I suggest for all of us that we continue with daily exercise, daily relaxation such as with the Being Relaxed recordings, a balanced diet including fruit and vegetables, sunshine, fresh air and a diet of positive and realistic thoughts, keeping contact with loved ones, adequate sleep and looking after yourself very well. Old fashioned and still effective!
I have more suggestions for protection from the Coronavirus as well. If you would like them and you are a post graduate of the training, please send me a message and we will send them to you.
Best regards
Dr Alan Fahey 9/06/20
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