Advanced Clinical Course 2022
Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS), Counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy-Cognitive (CBT), Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS), Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management incorporating Regression, Progression and Hypnoanalysis.
Download the 2022 Course Application Form
This year's Advanced Clinical Course is one of three advanced courses which are rotated, one each year. There is a special component of regression and hypnoanalytical therapy contained in this course.
You will learn skills which are complimentary to those in the Clinical Course.
The core skills are:
- Rapid Inductions & Somnambulism
- Life Scripts and Injunctions
- Regression to positive past experience
- CBT & CBT in trance
- Focussed Psychological Strategies
- Guided Imagery
- Hypnoanalysis and approaches to handle an abreaction
- Psychoeducation
- Self instructional training
- Relaxation
- Skills training
- How to avoid "false memory syndrome"
These skills will be used for:
- Mixed anxiety depression
- Overcoming mental blocks
- Ego strengthening
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Phobias
- Performance enhancement
This course is designed to expand your range of clinical skills with hypnotherapy, psychotherpy & counselling.
The Advanced Clinical Course will be held in Sydney only in 2022. The skills which you will learn in this course can help you to tailor your therapy specifically to the person requiring therapy. This course is clinically orientated, to help you to be able to apply these skills with appropriate patients when you return to your practice immediately after the course. Each technique will be practised in groups of 2 or 3 and will include ego strengthening.
You will develop confidence in using a wide range of practical skills.
Once again we will have sessions of group relaxation for ego strengthening designed to:
- boost your concentration
- enhance your memory
- fortify your self-esteem
- refresh your coping ability
As with the Clinical Course, participation is restricted to nationally registered tertiary trained health professionals such as psychologists, medical practitioners, nurses & midwives, dentists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths & chiropractors plus social workers who have completed an initial clinical hypnosis course.
An application has been made to the RACGP for GPs for Accredited Activity approval each worth 40 CPD points.
An application has been made for GPMHSC (inludes the APS) approval for MH-CPD and FPS-CPD for GPs for mental health re-registration for FPS mental health item numbers.
Physicians can allocate CPD points for this course.
Psychiatrists can allocate 48 credit hours for CPD.
Accredited by The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Program, short learning format for 2 Credits per hour as 96 credit points. (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity.)
This training is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by The Australian Dental Association (ADA) for continuing professional development.
Previously approved by the AASW and Social workers can calculate their own CPD hours for Medicare required CPD. The AASW no longer approves any training by any external training providers.
Approved by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) for vocationally registered (VR) general medical practitioners (GPs) for 6 Active Learning Modules (ALM's) each worth 40 Category 1 points = 240 CPD points. Vocationally registered (VR) GP's require a minimum of 80 Category 1 points per triennium, i.e. 2 ALM's out of a total of 130 CPD points. The remainder of the points can be derived from either category 1 or 2 points. This course represents all of a VR GPs triennial requirements for re-registration as a VR GP except for the clinial audit activity and cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirements.
Approved by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) for Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) training Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD) and Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH-CPD). This enables GPs to contiue to remain registered with Medicare to use the FPS related mental health Medicare item numbers. Hence the Advanced Clinical Courses also count towards ongoing mental health accreditation for doctors already credentialed to use the FPS. A re-application has been made for 2022 (note 26.02.22).
Approved by the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM) for PRPD points and MOPS for the course as a whole or for individual modules.
Approved by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) for 48 CPE points.
Approved by the College of Nursing ACN for 68 CPD hours.
Accredited by The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Program, short learning format for 2 Credits per hour as 96 credit points. (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity.)
Approved by the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 45 PD credit points under the midPLUS programme.
Approved by the AASW and Social workers can calculate their own CPD hours for Medicare required CPD.
Previously Approved by The Australian Practice Nurses Association (APHCN) aka Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APHCNA) for 48 CPD hours.
Physicians can allocate CPD points for this course.
Psychiatrists can allocate 48 credit hours for CPD.
This training is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by The Australian Dental Association (ADA) for continuing professional development.
Previously approved by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for 45 generalist PD hours or for 45 specialist PD points by the Clinical, Community, Health & Counselling Colleges. The Advanced (and Clinical) Courses were first endorsed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for its members in 1995. The APS no longer approves non-APS conducted training held by any non-APS providers since 2012 but the previous approvals can guide a psychologist for their AHPRA requirements in 2022. Psychologists can calculate their own CPD hours for AHPRA.
In 1995, the New South Wales Psychologists Board approved the Courses for conditionally registered psychologists, for 20 credit hours. The Psychology Board has turned the function of course credit hour allocation over to individual supervisors since 1996. Supervisors now decide on the number of credit hours to be allocated for any particular course. The 20 credit hours previously allocated by the Board gives a guide for supervisors in making their credit hour allocation.
Previously approved by OT Australia (The Australian Association of Occupational Therapists-AAOT) for 12 CPD points. The AAOT no longer approves any training by any training providers.
Each Course is held over six days. The Course times are from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, a text book and meals during the course hours from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm daily.
Course fee and discounts
- 8 week early bird fee (EB) for fees paid in full, 8 weeks in advance is $ 2,299 which includes GST.
- 4 week early bird fully paid fee $ 2,399, including GST.
- Full fee is $2,499, including GST.
8 week early bird discount $200 and the 4 week discount is $100.
Any professional who has previously attended and completed this specific Advanced Clinical Course in the past can attend for the reduced fee of 50%.
Additional Skills contained in this course
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Focussed psychological Strategies (FPS)
An overview of the principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is followed by the reinforcing use of CBT in trance, to strengthen positive realistic attitudes and healthy behaviours. Principles will include:
- Theoretical models of cognitive and behavior modification
- Modelling & rehearsal as patterns for behaviour
- Stimulus control, contingency management
- Dysfunctional thoughts or expectations,
- Schemas or schemata
- Irrational beliefs
- Self instructional training
- Structured problem solving
- Attention regulation
- Relaxation
Pyscho Education
Discusses the importance of demystifying the patient's illness to help the person improve their self efficacy and reduce anxiety:
- Disorder prevalence
- Related problems and symptoms
- Aetiology and prognosis
- Treatment options
**The RACGP only guarantees point allocation when both the participants and the convener comply with RACGP requirements.
Somnambulism & Rapid Inductions
Using Somnambulism
Reinforce your skills with rapid trance induction and deepening. Gain confidence having the hypnotised person talking whilst hypnotised. Learn to recognise the signs of somnambulism.
Rapid induction techniques
Rapid deepening techniques
Directing conversations with the person in trance
Directing ideomotor signalling with the hypnotised person - more extensive use.
Time and Age Regression
Use the trance state to recall moments of pleasure or success from the past.
Use these positive experiences to achieve present day mood improvement and future successes.
- Time regression and revivification
- Use of verbal tense to direct regression
- Trance induction via utilization of a memory
- Establishing positive memory "sanctuaries"
- Hypermnesia and amnesia
- Guidelines and cautions to enable accurate recall and avoid confabulation
- How to avoid "false memory syndrome"
- Ideomotor signalling
- Emotional 'leap frog' technique Imagery regression
- Time progression. Fantasy versus positive imaging
- Re-orientation
Positive realistic reinterpretation is used to replace negative cognitive distortions.
- Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Cognitive therapy in trance
- Power of permission and restrictions in trance
Hypnoanalyisis Formula Includes:
- History taking
- Freeze framing the "video"
- Uncovering negative self injunctions
- Ventilation and guilt assessment
- Positive reinterpretation
- Positive counter suggestion formulation
- Future auto suggestion
Catharsis - Abreaction
Reinforce your confidence in how to handle an abreaction. How to reduce, stop, delay or facilitate the release of pent up emotion.
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
An overview of the principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is followed by the use of CBT in trance, to reinforce positive, realistic attitudes and healthy behaviours.
- Theoretical models
- Modelling & rehearsal as patterns for behaviour
- Stimulus control, contingency management
- Dysfunctional thoughts, schemas, expectations
- Irrational beliefs
- Self instructional training
- Attention regulation
Pyscho Education
Discuss the importance of demystifying the patient's illness to help the person improve their self efficacy and reduce anxiety:
- Disorder prevalence
- Related problems and symptoms
- Aetiology and prognosis
- Treatment options
Skills Training
This is a combination of cognitive and behavioural strategies tailored to the individual. This is a solution based approach for a patient's particular problem including:
Structured Problem Solving
Motivational Interviewing
Social Skills Training
Stress Management
Specific topics will include:
- Life Scripting
- Mixed Anxiety - Depression
- Phobias
- Acute and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- *The RACGP only guarantees point allocation, when both the participants and the convener comply with RACGP requirements.
Advanced Clinical Course 2021
Advanced Certificate of Clinical Hypnosis Course (CBT-FPS) containing Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS), Counselling, Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management incorporating Gestalt Principles
All training includes Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) as required for Medicare registration for general medical practitioners, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists to use the Medicare FPS related Mental Health Item Numbers.
There are 3 different Advanced Clinical Courses which all have a CBT foundation with different hypnotic applications:
- Gestalt and Role Play in Trance principles 2021,
- Hypnoanalysis and Regression principles 2022,
- Ericksonian principles 2020.
The 2021 Advanced Clinical Course includes principles from the work of Dr Fritz Perls. Dr Perls MD, PhD was the founder of Gestalt Therapy, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Dr Perls was also the founder of The South African Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Each Advanced Clinical Course is different from the other 2 advanced courses. The 2021 Advanced Course includes core principles of Gestalt and Role Play techniques in addition to the CBT and FPS matrix. You will learn skills which are complimentary to those in the Clinical Course. The 3 Advanced Clinical Courses are rotated, one each year. The other 2 Advanced Courses contain either Regression and Hypnoanalysis, or Ericksonian Principles as core skills.
Specific topics will include:
- Phobias
- Grief & Loss
- Pain,
- Overcoming 'Mental Blocks',
- Recurrent Dream Interpretation or Resolution,
- Performance Enhancement.
- One day for helping children
Role Play in Trance - Modified Gestalt
This is an interesting & artistic form of therapy. The integration of subpersonalities is performed in trance for the resolution of conflicts, such as those which can occur with people suffering from chronic pain, poor self esteem, perfectionism & 'mental blocks'.
The analysis of dream symbolism can be made in hypnotic trance as a way of dealing with core beliefs or schemata. These dream symbols are used for healing.
The course will include the following special features:
- Rapid Inductions and Somnambulism,
- Modified Role Paly in Trance,
- Gestalt Philosophy of Awareness & Acceptance.
- Psychological Homeostasis,
- Existential Focus,
- Closing a 'Gestalt',
- Subconscious Symbolism,
- Defence Mechanisms,
- Pathological Defence Mechanisms,
- Dream Analysis,
- Spontaneous Somnambulism.
Using Somnambulism
Reinforce your skills with rapid trance induction and trance deepening. Gain confidence having the hypnotised person talking whilst hypnotised. Learn to recognise the signs of somnambulism.
- Rapid induction techniques
- Rapid deepening techniques
- Directing conversations with the person in trance
- Directing ideomotor signalling with the hypnotised person - more extensive use.
- Catharsis - Abreaction
Reinforce your confidence in how to handle an abreaction. Learn how to reduce, stop, delay or facilitate the release of pent up emotion.
Other skills included in this course are shown below.
Successful completion of this course leads to the award of the Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS).
Each of the three Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) courses contain 48 hours of examinable interactive training, as does the Certificate of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) Course. Each course is comprised of 6 one day active learning modules (ALMs), and the One Day Mental Health Module contains 8 hours of training, all of which contribute towards the 104 examinable course hours or 13 Active Learning Modules required to to achieve:
The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS). The contributory training must include the Clinical Course and at least one of the three Advanced Clinical Courses such as the 2018 Advanced Course.
Completion of all three Advanced Courses automatically leads to:
The Diploma of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS).
Dates for the 6 day course
Sydney in August (probably this mnth) 2021
Melbourne in October (probably this month) 2021
Please see the timetable section of this web site for the dates.
Hours: 8.30am - 5.30pm daily.
The Advanced Clinical Course (CBT-FPS) will be held in Sydney and Melbourne and possibly Brisbane in 2021.
Cumberland Psychiatric Hospital,
Hainsworth St. Westmead or Fleet St. North Parramatta 2145.
The Collins St Baptist Church 174 Collins St, Melbourne 3000.
Mercy Place, 371 Simpsons Rd. Bardon 4065. The Advanced Clinical Course was usually conducted each year in Brisbane, and might be held again there in 2021. The Clinical Course will be held in Brisbane in 2021.
Further venue details will be given upon enquiry.
These courses are designed to expand your range of skills.
You will find these skills greatly beneficial in your clinical work, as an aid to any of the following: Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy including CBT, FPS, Counselling, Relaxation, Guided Imagery, Stress Management, Meditation or Bio-Feedback.
Each day we will have sessions of group relaxation with couples and with the whole group designed FOR YOU to:
- boost your concentration
- enhance your memory
- fortify your self-esteem
- refresh your coping ability
As with the Clinical Course, the Advanced Clinical Courses are restricted to AHPRA registered tertiary trained health professionals such as psychologists, doctors, nurses and midwives, occupational therapists, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors & osteopaths or to social workers who are registered with the AASW who have completed the initial Certificate of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) course conducted by the College of Medical Hypnosis.
Course Accreditations applicable for 2017-2019. Re-accreditations will be sought for 2021.
Approved by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) for 2017-2019 for vocationally registered (VR) general medical practitioners (GPs) for 6 Active Learning Modules (ALM's) each worth 40 Category 1 points = 240 CPD points. Vocationally registered (VR) GP's require a minimum of 80 Category 1 points per triennium, i.e. 2 ALM's out of a total of 130 CPD points. The remainder of the points can be derived from either category 1 or 2 points. This course represents all of a VR GPs triennial requirements for re-registration as a VR GP except for the clinial audit activity and cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirements. A re-application will be submitted in early 2020.
Approved by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) for Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) training Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD) and Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH-CPD). This enables GPs to contiue to remain registered with Medicare to use the FPS related mental health Medicare item numbers. Hence the Advanced Clinical Courses also count towards ongoing mental health accreditation for doctors already credentialed to use the FPS. A re-appliaction will be made in early 2020.
Approved by the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM) for PRPD points and for MOPS for the course as a whole or for individual modules.
Approved by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) for 48 CPE points.
Approved by the Australian Association of Social Workers AASW for 48 PD points. Social workers can calculate their own CPD hours for APHRA.
Approved by the College of Nursing ACN for 68 CPD hours.
Accredited by The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Program for 2 Credits per hour as 96 credit points. (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity.)
Approved by the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 45 PD credit points.
Previously Approved by The Australian Practice Nurses Association (APHCN) aka Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APHCNA) for 48 CPD hours.
Physicians can allocate CPD points for this course.
Psychiatrists can allocate 48 credit hours for MOPS.
This training is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by The Australian Dental Association (ADA) for continuing professional development.
Previously approved by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for 45 generalist PD hours or for 45 specialist PD points by the Clinical, Community, Health & Counselling Colleges. The Advanced (and Clinical) Courses were first endorsed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for its members in 1995. The APS no longer approves non-APS conducted training held by any non-APS providers since 2012 but the previous approvals can guide a psychologist for their AHPRA requirements in 2021. Psychologists can calculate their own CPD hours for AHPRA.
In 1995, the New South Wales Psychologists Board approved the Courses for conditionally registered psychologists, for 20 credit hours. The Psychology Board has turned the function of course credit hour allocation over to individual supervisors since 1996. Supervisors now decide on the number of credit hours to be allocated for any particular course. The 20 credit hours previously allocated by the Board gives a guide for supervisors in making their credit hour allocation.
Previously approved by OT Australia (The Australian Association of Occupational Therapists-AAOT) for 12 CPD points. The AAOT no longer approves any training by any training providers.
Each Course is held over six days. The Course times are from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, a text book and meals during the course hours from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm daily.
Course fee and discounts
The 8 week early bird fee (EB) for fees paid in full, 8 weeks in advance is $ 2,299 which includes 10 % GST.
4 week early bird fully paid fee $ 2,399, including GST.
Regular fee is $2,499, including GST.
8 week early bird discount $200 and the 4 week discount is $100.
Any professional who has attended and completed this specific Advanced Clinical Course in the past can attend for the reduced fee of 50%.
Additional Skills contained in this course
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Focussed psychological Strategies (FPS)
An overview of the principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is followed by the reinforcing use of CBT in trance, to strengthen positive realistic attitudes and healthy behaviours. Principles will include:
- Theoretical models of cognitive and behavior modification
- Modelling & rehearsal as patterns for behaviour
- Stimulus control, contingency management
- Dysfunctional thoughts or expectations,
- Schemas or schemata
- Irrational beliefs
- Self instructional training
- Structured problem solving
- Attention regulation
- Relaxation
Pyscho Education
Discusses the importance of demystifying the patient's illness to help the person improve their self efficacy and reduce anxiety:
- Disorder prevalence
- Related problems and symptoms
- Aetiology and prognosis
- Treatment options
**The RACGP only guarantees point allocation when both the participants and the convener comply with RACGP requirements.
Advanced Clinical Course 2023 and 2024
Advanced Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS), Counselling, Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management Course incorporating Ericksonian principles.
This course includes Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS).
There are 3 different Advanced Courses each of which has a CBT and FPS foundation with different hypnotic applications. Each course was conducted every three years in scrolling succession prior to the Coronavirus pandemic:
- Ericksonian Principles 2023 previously conducted in 2011 and 2014 and 2017 and scheduled for 2020 but not conducted in 2020 due to Covid,
- The 2023 Advanced Clinical Course includes principles from the approaches employed in clinical practice by Professor (Doctor) Milton Erickson.
- Doctor Erickson was a genius and a professor of both psychiatry and psychology,
- Gestalt and Role Play in Trance Principles next due in 2025 and previously held in in 2012 and 2015 and 2018 and 2022 instead of 2021 due to Covid,
- Hypnoanalysis & Regression Principles in 2024 and previously held in 2013 and 2016 and 2019 previously due for 2022 but delayed due to Covid.
Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT - FPS)
Each Advanced Clinical Course is different from the other two advanced courses in that it includes different principles of psycho-hypnotherapy in addition to the core CBT and FPS principles. You will learn skills which are complimentary to those which you learnt in the Clinical Course. The 3 different advanced courses are rotated as described, one each year. The other 2 advanced courses have either Time Regression, Hypnoanalysis and Positive Rehersed Imaginal Therapy or Gestalt Principles and Role Play techniques with both theory and skills aquisition along with CBT and FPS in their matrix .
The Advanced Clinical Course will be held in Sydney only in 2023 and 2024 and possibly in Brisbane and Melbourne in future years, as they were prior to the Covid pandemic.
These courses are designed to expand your range of knowledge and skills.
You will find these skills of great benefit in your clinical work, as an aid to any of the following: Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy including CBT and FPS, Counselling, Relaxation, Meditation or Bio-Feedback.
Each day we will have sessions of group relaxation with couples or with the whole group designed to:
As with the Clinical Course, Advanced Clinical Courses are restricted to nationally registered tertiary trained health professionals (AHPRA) such as psychologists, medical practitioners, nurses & midwives, occupational therapists, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths and also social workers who have completed the initial examinable Clinical Course titled the Certificate of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) Course conducted by the College of Medical Hypnosis.
Course Accreditations
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) an application for approval for the 2023 to 2025 triennium is made for vocationally registered general practitioners (VRGPs) for:
- 6 Approved Activities (AAs) with a total of more than 70 CPD hours with a mixture of EA, RP and MO (previously titled Active Learning Modules (ALM's) and then Accredited Activities).
- This course will cover the complete educational requirement for VR GPs for the year and also FPS-CPD for Medicare registration for the triennium, except for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
- A reapplication to the RACGP triennium 2023-2025 is being submitted in 2023-2025.
The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) approved the Advanced Clinical Course (and the Clinical Course) for GPs for FPS Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD) for the 2017 to 2019 triennium and the 2020 to 2022 triennium for GPs to re-register with Medicare for FPS skills related Medicare item number utilisation. This course and the the Single Day Mental Health Module were approved on behalf of the GPMHSC for FPS-CPD and the Single Day Module was approved in the 2020 to 2022 triennium. A reapplication to the GPMHSC is being submitted in 2023-2025.
The GPMHSC approvals are made collectively by the the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the RACGP and the ACRRM and the ANZCollege of Psychiatrists and the MHCA (MHA).
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Programme, short learning format 2 Credits per hour for 96 credit points (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity).
The Autralian Dental Association (ADA) and the Dental Board of Australia (DBA) CPD criteria are met for this training course.
Psychiatrists are able to allocate 48 PD credit hours for this course.
Physicians can allocate CPD credit hours under 'Structured Learning Projects'.
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) for it's members since the first approvals in 1995 by the then director of training and standards Dr Alison Garton. The APS no longer approves any courses for PD other than it's own training courses ie, run by or on behalf of the APS, since October 2012. These courses were previously approved until October 2012 for 45 Generalist credit hours as well as by the Clinical, Community, Health and Counselling Colleges in various recent years. These prior accreditations by the APS can be used as a guide for psychologists in self assessing CPD allocation in 2023.
The Psychologists Registration Board of NSW approved this course in 1995 for intern or conditionally registered psychologists in NSW for 20 credit hours. From 1996 the Psychology Board delegated credit hours allocation to a training psychologist's individual supervisor rather than the Psychology Board itself. Individual supervisors could then use the previous Board allocation of approved credit hours as a guide. The 20 hours were the maximum allocation allowed for a training course at that time.
OT Australia previously approved the training for 30 points in category 6, but they no longer accredit any training courses for any training organisations in recent years.
The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) approved for 48 CPD credit hours in 2013 and for many subsequent years until the AASW ceased assessing and appellating training courses.
In addition some of the previous Course Approvals included:
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). Approved for 2017-2019 for PD points and MOPS as in 2011-2013 and 2014-2016. It is planned for reapplication to the ACRRM to be made in the 2023-2025 triennium.
The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 65 Credit hour points. A re-application is being submitted.
The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) for 45 CPD hours. A re-application is being submitted.
Course Structure and Inclusions
Each Course is held over six days. The Advanced Clinical Course is conducted each day from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during both the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, an exercise book, a list of the FPS, relaxation recordings, a textbook, course meals and good company with like-minded professionals . The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) is awarded after successful completion of the course. All participants also receive a Certificate of Attendance/Compliance which includes their names, dates, venue, training description and course accreditations.
The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) leads on to:
The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) which leads to;
The Diploma of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS).
Course Fees and Discounts
Fees for 2023 and 2024
There are 10 week and 5 week early bird discounts for the 6 day course for fees paid in full by the early bird date.
The 10 week early bird discounted fee is $2599 which includes 10% GST.
The 5 week early bird discounted fee is $2699 which includes 10% GST.
The full fee is $2799 which includes 10% GST.
this represents $200.00 discount for 10 weeks advance full payment or $100.00 discount for 5 weeks advance payment.
All fees quoted above include 10% GST
Download the course application form
Previous Venues used for many years with many happy memories prior to the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Health Education & Training Institute (HETI). The training is conducted independently from HETI in the classrooms previously known as:
The New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry,
Cumberland Hospital,
Westmead / North Parramatta
The Collins St Baptist Church 174 Collins St, Melbourne.
Mercy Place, 371 Simpsons Rd, Bardon, Brisbane.
Advanced Clinical Course 2020
Advanced Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Counselling, Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management Course incorporating Ericksonian principles.
This course includes Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS).
There are 3 different Advanced Courses each of which has a CBT and FPS foundation with different hypnotic applications. Each course is conducted every three years in scrolling succession:
- Ericksonian Principles 2020 previously conducted in 2011 and 2014 and 2017,
- The 2020 Advanced Clinical Course includes principles from the approaches employed in clinical practice by Professor Milton Erickson.
- Doctor Erickson was a professor of both psychiatry and psychology.
- Gestalt and Role Play in Trance Principles next in 2021 and previously in 2012 and 2015 and 2018,
- Hypnoanalysis & Regression Principles next in 2022 and previously in 2013 and 2016 and 2019.
Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT - FPS)
Each Advanced Clinical Course is different from the other two advanced courses in that it includes different principles of psycho-hypnotherapy in addition to the core CBT and FPS principles. You will learn skills which are complimentary to those which you learnt in the Clinical Course. The 3 different advanced courses are rotated, one each year. The other 2 advanced courses have either Time Regression, Hypnoanalysis and Positive Rehersed Imaginal Therapy or Gestalt Principles and Role Play techniques with both theory and skills aquisition along with CBT and FPS in their matrix .
The Advanced Clinical Course will be held in Sydney & Melbourne in 2020 and possibly other Advanced Courses will also be held in Brisbane in future years.
The Health Education & Training Institute (HETI). The training is conducted independently from HETI in the classrooms previously known as:
The New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry,
Cumberland Hospital,
Westmead / North Parramatta
The Collins St Baptist Church 174 Collins St, Melbourne.
Mercy Place, 371 Simpsons Rd, Bardon, Brisbane.
These courses are designed to expand your range of knowledge and skills.
You will find these skills of great benefit in your clinical work, as an aid to any of the following: Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy including CBT and FPS, Counselling, Relaxation, Meditation or Bio-Feedback.
Each day we will have sessions of group relaxation with couples or the whole group designed to:
- boost your concentration
- enhance your memory
- generate positive helpful thoughts and cognitions
- fortify your self-esteem
- refresh your coping ability
As with the Clinical Course, Advanced Clinical Courses are restricted to nationally registered tertiary trained health professionals (AHPRA) such as psychologists, medical practitioners, nurses & midwives, occupational therapists, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths and also social workers who have completed the initial clinical examinable hypnotherapy course with the Certificate of Clinical hypnosis (CBT-FPS) conducted by the College of Medical Hypnosis.
Course Accreditations
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) approved (for the 2017 to 2019 triennium) for vocationally registered general practitioners (VRGPs) for:
- 6 Active Learning Modules (ALM's) each worth 40 category 1 points. VR GPs need a minimum of 2 ALM's (80 CPD points) out of a total 130 CPD points required per triennium. The remainder of the points can be acquired from either category 1 or category 2 activities *.
- This course covers the complete educational requirement for VR GPs for the triennium, except for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and clinical audit.
- A reapplication to the RACGP will be made in early 2020.
The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) approved the Advanced Clinical Course (and the Clinical Course) for GPs for FPS Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD) for the 2017 to 2019 triennium for GPs to re-register with Medicare for FPS skills related Medicare item numbers. This course and the the One Day Mental Health Module were approved on behalf of the GPMHSC for FPS-CPD. A reapplication to the GPMHSC willbe made in early 2020.
The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) approved for 48 CPE points.
The Australian Primary Helath Care Nurses Association (APHCNA) aka the Practice Nurses Association (APNA) approved for 48 CPD hours. A reapplication for 2020 is being contemplated.
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Programme, short learning format 2 Credits per hour for 96 credit points (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity).
The Autralian Dental Association (ADA) and the Dental Board of Australia (DBA) CPD criteria are met for this training course.
Psychiatrists are able to allocate 48 PD credit hours for this course.
Physicians can allocate CPD credit hours under 'Structured Learning Projects'.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). Approved for 2017-2019 for PD points and MOPS as in 2011-2013 and 2014-2016. A reapplication to the ACRRM will be made in early 2020.
The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 65 Credit hour points. A re-application is being submitted.
The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) for 45 CPD hours. A re-application is being submitted.
The Australian Association of Social Workers.
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) for it's members since the first approvals in 1995 by the then director of training and standards Dr Alison Garton. The APS no longer approves any courses for PD other than it's own training courses ie, run by or on behalf of the APS, since October 2012. These courses were previously approved until October 2012 for 45 Generalist credit hours as well as by the Clinical, Community, Health and Counselling Colleges in various recent years. These prior accreditations by the APS can be used as a guide for psychologists in self assessing CPD allocation in 2014.
The Psychologists Registration Board of NSW approved this course in 1995 for intern or conditionally registered psychologists in NSW for 20 credit hours. From 1996 the Psychology Board delegated credit hours allocation to a training psychologist's individual supervisor rather than the Psychology Board itself. Individual supervisors could then use the previous Board allocation of approved credit hours as a guide. The 20 hours were the maximum allocation allowed for a training course at that time.
OT Australia previously approved the training for 30 points in category 6, but they no longer accredit any training courses for any training organisations in recent years.
The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) approved for 48 CPD credit hours in 2013.
Course Structure and Inclusions
Each Course is held over six days. The Advanced Clinical Course is conducted each day from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during both the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, an exercise book, a list of the FPS, relaxation recordings, a textbook, course meals. The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) is awarded at the successful conclusion of the course. All participants also receive a Certificate of Attendance which includes their names, dates, venue, training description and course accreditations. The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) leads on to the The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) and the The Diploma of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS).
Course Fees and Discounts
Fees for 2020 will remain the same as for 2019
There are 8 week and 4 week early bird discounts for the 6 day course for fees paid in full by the early bird date.
The 8 week early bird discounted fee is $2299 which includes 10% GST.
The 4 week early bird discounted fee is $2399 which includes 10% GST.
The full fee is $2499 which includes 10% GST.
this represents $200.00 discount for 8 weeks advance full payment or $100.00 discount for 4 weeks advance payment.
All fees quoted above include 10% GST
Advanced Clinical Course 2019
Advanced Clinical Course in Hypnosis, Counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy-Cognitive (CBT), Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS), Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management.
Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT/FPS)
Download the 2019 Course Application Form
This year's Advanced Clinical Course is one of three advanced courses which are rotated, one each year. There is a special component of regression and hypnoanalytical therapy contained in this course.
You will learn skills which are complimentary to those in the Clinical Course.
The core skills are:
- Rapid Inductions & Somnambulism
- Life Scripts and Injunctions
- Regression to positive past experience
- CBT & CBT in trance
- Focussed Psychological Strategies
- Guided Imagery
- Hypnoanalysis and approaches to handle an abreaction
- Psychoeducation
- Self instructional training
- Relaxation
- Skills training
- How to avoid "false memory syndrome"
These skills will be used for:
- Mixed anxiety depression
- Overcoming mental blocks
- Ego strengthening
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Phobias
- Performance enhancement
This course is designed to expand your range of clinical skills with hypnotherapy, psychotherpy & counselling.
The Advanced Clinical Course will be held in Sydney & Melbourne in 2019. The skills which you will learn in this course can help you to tailor your therapy specifically to the person requiring therapy. This course is clinically orientated, to help you to be able to apply these skills with appropriate patients when you return to your practice immediately after the course. Each technique will be practised in groups of 2 or 3 and will include ego strengthening.
You will develop confidence in using a wide range of practical skills
Once again we will have sessions of group relaxation for ego strengthening designed to:
- boost your concentration
- enhance your memory
- fortify your self-esteem
- refresh your coping ability
As with the Clinical Course, participation is restricted to nationally registered tertiary trained health professionals such as psychologists, medical practitioners, nurses & midwives, dentists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths & chiropractors plus social workers who have completed an initial clinical hypnosis course.
Approved by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) for vocationally registered (VR) general medical practitioners (GPs) for 6 Active Learning Modules (ALM's) each worth 40 Category 1 points = 240 CPD points. Vocationally registered (VR) GP's require a minimum of 80 Category 1 points per triennium, i.e. 2 ALM's out of a total of 130 CPD points. The remainder of the points can be derived from either category 1 or 2 points. This course represents all of a VR GPs triennial requirements for re-registration as a VR GP except for the clinial audit activity and cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirements.
Approved by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) for Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) training Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD) and Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH-CPD). This enables GPs to contiue to remain registered with Medicare to use the FPS related mental health Medicare item numbers. Hence the Advanced Clinical Courses also count towards ongoing mental health accreditation for doctors already credentialed to use the FPS.
Approved by the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM) for PRPD points and MOPS for the course as a whole or for individual modules.
Approved by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) for 48 CPE points.
Social workers can calculate their own CPD hours for APHRA.
Approved by the College of Nursing ACN for 68 CPD hours.
Accredited by The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Program, short learning format for 2 Credits per hour as 96 credit points. (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity.)
Approved by the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 45 PD credit points under the midPLUS programme.
Previously Approved by The Australian Practice Nurses Association (APHCN) aka Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APHCNA) for 48 CPD hours.
Physicians can allocate CPD points for this course.
Psychiatrists can allocate 48 credit hours for CPD..
This training is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by The Australian Dental Association (ADA) for continuing professional development.
Previously approved by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for 45 generalist PD hours or for 45 specialist PD points by the Clinical, Community, Health & Counselling Colleges. The Advanced (and Clinical) Courses were first endorsed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for its members in 1995. The APS no longer approves non-APS conducted training held by any non-APS providers since 2012 but the previous approvals can guide a psychologist for their AHPRA requirements in 2015. Psychologists can calculate their own CPD hours for AHPRA.
In 1995, the New South Wales Psychologists Board approved the Courses for conditionally registered psychologists, for 20 credit hours. The Psychology Board has turned the function of course credit hour allocation over to individual supervisors since 1996. Supervisors now decide on the number of credit hours to be allocated for any particular course. The 20 credit hours previously allocated by the Board gives a guide for supervisors in making their credit hour allocation.
Previously approved by OT Australia (The Australian Association of Occupational Therapists-AAOT) for 12 CPD points. The AAOT no longer approves any training by any training providers.
Each Course is held over six days. The Course times are from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, a text book and meals during the course hours from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm daily.
Course fee and discounts
- 8 week early bird fee (EB) for fees paid in full, 8 weeks in advance is $ 2,299 which includes GST.
- 4 week early bird fully paid fee $ 2,399, including GST.
Full fee is $2,499, including GST.
8 week early bird discount $200 and the 4 week discount is $100.
Any professional who has previously attended and completed this specific Advanced Clinical Course in the past can attend for the reduced fee of 50%.
Additional Skills contained in this course
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Focussed psychological Strategies (FPS)
An overview of the principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is followed by the reinforcing use of CBT in trance, to strengthen positive realistic attitudes and healthy behaviours. Principles will include:
- Theoretical models of cognitive and behavior modification
- Modelling & rehearsal as patterns for behaviour
- Stimulus control, contingency management
- Dysfunctional thoughts or expectations,
- Schemas or schemata
- Irrational beliefs
- Self instructional training
- Structured problem solving
- Attention regulation
- Relaxation
Pyscho Education
Discusses the importance of demystifying the patient's illness to help the person improve their self efficacy and reduce anxiety:
- Disorder prevalence
- Related problems and symptoms
- Aetiology and prognosis
- Treatment options
**The RACGP only guarantees point allocation when both the participants and the convener comply with RACGP requirements.
Somnambulism & Rapid Inductions
Using Somnambulism
Reinforce your skills with rapid trance induction and deepening. Gain confidence having the hypnotised person talking whilst hypnotised. Learn to recognise the signs of somnambulism.
Rapid induction techniques
Rapid deepening techniques
Directing conversations with the person in trance
Directing ideomotor signalling with the hypnotised person - more extensive use.
Time and Age Regression
Use the trance state to recall moments of pleasure or success from the past.
Use these positive experiences to achieve present day mood improvement and future successes.
- Time regression and revivification
- Use of verbal tense to direct regression
- Trance induction via utilization of a memory
- Establishing positive memory "sanctuaries"
- Hypermnesia and amnesia
- Guidelines and cautions to enable accurate recall and avoid confabulation
- How to avoid "false memory syndrome"
- Ideomotor signalling
- Emotional 'leap frog' technique Imagery regression
- Time progression. Fantasy versus positive imaging
- Re-orientation
Positive realistic reinterpretation is used to replace negative cognitive distortions.
- Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Cognitive therapy in trance
- Power of permission and restrictions in trance
Hypnoanalyisis Formula Includes:
- History taking
- Freeze framing the "video"
- Uncovering negative self injunctions
- Ventilation and guilt assessment
- Positive reinterpretation
- Positive counter suggestion formulation
- Future auto suggestion
Catharsis - Abreaction
Reinforce your confidence in how to handle an abreaction. How to reduce, stop, delay or facilitate the release of pent up emotion.
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
An overview of the principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is followed by the use of CBT in trance, to reinforce positive, realistic attitudes and healthy behaviours.
- Theoretical models
- Modelling & rehearsal as patterns for behaviour
- Stimulus control, contingency management
- Dysfunctional thoughts, schemas, expectations
- Irrational beliefs
- Self instructional training
- Attention regulation
Pyscho Education
Discuss the importance of demystifying the patient's illness to help the person improve their self efficacy and reduce anxiety:
- Disorder prevalence
- Related problems and symptoms
- Aetiology and prognosis
- Treatment options
Skills Training
This is a combination of cognitive and behavioural strategies tailored to the individual. This is a solution based approach for a patient's particular problem including:
Structured Problem Solving
Motivational Interviewing
Social Skills Training
Stress Management
Specific topics will include:
- Life Scripting
- Mixed Anxiety - Depression
- Phobias
- Acute and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- *The RACGP only guarantees point allocation, when both the participants and the convener comply with RACGP requirements.