Advanced Clinical Course 2017
Last Updated on Thursday, 22 March 2018
Advanced Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Counselling, Guided Imagery, Relaxation and Stress Management Course. This course includes Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS).
There are 3 different Advanced Courses each of which has a CBT and FPS foundation with different hypnotic applications. Each course is conducted every three years in scrolling succession:
- Ericksonian Principles 2017 and previously in 2011 and 2014,
- The 2017 Advanced Clinical Course includes principles from the approaches employed in clinical practice by Professor Milton Erickson.
- Doctor Erickson was a professor of both psychiatry and psychology.
- Gestalt and Role Play in Trance Principles next in 2018 and previously in 2012 and 2015,
- Hypnoanalysis & Regression Principles next in 2019 and previously in 2013 and 2016.
Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT - FPS)
Each Advanced Clinical Course is different from the other two advanced courses in that it includes different principles of psycho-hypnotherapy in addition to the core CBT and FPS principles. You will learn skills which are complimentary to those which you learnt in the Clinical Course. The 3 different advanced courses are rotated, one each year. The other 2 advanced courses have either Time Regression, Hypnoanalysis and Positive Rehersed Imaginal Therapy or Gestalt Principles and Role Play techniques with both theory and skills aquisition along with CBT and FPS in their matrix .
The Advanced Clinical Course will be held in Sydney & Melbourne in 2017.
The Health Education & Training Institute (HETI). The training is conducted independently from HETI in the classrooms previously known as:
The New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry,
Cumberland Hospital,
Westmead / North Parramatta
The Collins St Baptist Church 174 Collins St, Melbourne.
Mercy Place, 371 Simpsons Rd, Bardon, Brisbane.
These courses are designed to expand your range of knowledge and skills.
You will find these skills of great benefit in your clinical work, as an aid to any of the following: Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy including CBT and FPS, Counselling, Relaxation, Meditation or Bio-Feedback.
Each day we will have sessions of group relaxation with couples or the whole group designed to:
- boost your concentration
- enhance your memory
- fortify your self-esteem
- refresh your coping ability
As with the Clinical Course, Advanced Clinical Courses are restricted to nationally registered tertiary trained health professionals (AHPRA) such as psychologists, medical practitioners, nurses & midwives, occupational therapists, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths and also social workers who have completed the initial clinical examinable hypnotherapy course with the Certificate of Clinical hypnosis (CBT-FPS) conducted by the College of Medical Hypnosis.
Course Accreditations
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) approved for the 2017 to 2019 triennium for vocationally registered general practitioners (VRGPs) for:
- 6 Active Learning Modules (ALM's) each worth 40 category 1 points. VR GPs need a minimum of 2 ALM's (80 CPD points) out of a total 130 CPD points required per triennium. The remainder of the points can be acquired from either category 1 or category 2 activities *.
- This course covers the complete educational requirement for VR GPs for the triennium, except for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and clinical audit.
The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) have approved the Advanced Clinical Course (and the Clinical Course) for GPs for FPS Continuing Professional Development (FPS-CPD to re-register with Medicare for FPS skills related Medicare item numbers. This course and the the One Day Mental Health Module have been approved on behalf of the GPMHSC for FPS-CPD.
The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) approved for 48 CPE points.
The Australian Primary Helath Care Nurses Association (APHCNA) aka the Practice Nurses Association (APNA) approved for 48 CPD hours.
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) CPD Programme, short learning format 2 Credits per hour for 96 credit points (Accreditation does not represent endorsement or approval by the ANZCA of the activity).
The Autralian Dental Association (ADA) and the Dental Board of Australia (DBA) CPD criteria are met for this training course.
Psychiatrists are able to allocate 48 PD credit hours for this course.
Physicians can allocate CPD credit hours under 'Structured Learning Projects'.
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). Approved for 2017-2019 for PD points and MOPS as in 2011-2013 and 2014-2016.
The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) for 65 Credit hour points. A re-application is being submitted.
The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) for 45 CPD hours. A re-application is being submitted.
The Australian Association of Social Workers.
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) for it's members since the first approvals in 1995 by the then director of training and standards Dr Alison Garton. The APS no longer approves any courses for PD other than it's own training courses ie, run by or on behalf of the APS, since October 2012. These courses were previously approved until October 2012 for 45 Generalist credit hours as well as by the Clinical, Community, Health and Counselling Colleges in various recent years. These prior accreditations by the APS can be used as a guide for psychologists in self assessing CPD allocation in 2014.
The Psychologists Registration Board of NSW approved this course in 1995 for intern or conditionally registered psychologists in NSW for 20 credit hours. From 1996 the Psychology Board delegated credit hours allocation to a training psychologist's individual supervisor rather than the Psychology Board itself. Individual supervisors could then use the previous Board allocation of approved credit hours as a guide. The 20 hours were the maximum allocation allowed for a training course at that time.
OT Australia previously approved the training for 30 points in category 6, but they no longer accredit any training courses for any training organisations in recent years.
The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) approved for 48 CPD credit hours in 2013.
Course Structure and Inclusions
Each Course is held over six days. The Advanced Clinical Course is conducted each day from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm with a 1 hour lunch break and a 15 minute break during both the middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon. The Course content includes the course handbook, an exercise book, a list of the FPS, relaxation recordings, a textbook, course meals. The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) is awarded at the successful conclusion of the course. All participants also receive a Certificate of Attendance which includes their names, dates, venue, training description and course accreditations. The Certificate of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) leads on to the The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS) and the The Diploma of Advanced Clinical Hypnosis (CBT-FPS).
Course Fees and Discounts
Fees for 2017 will remain the same as for 2014, 2015, 2016
There are 8 week and 4 week early bird discounts for the 6 day course for fees paid in full by the early bird date.
The 8 week early bird discounted fee is $2199 which includes 10% GST.
The 4 week early bird discounted fee is $2299 which includes 10% GST.
The full fee is $2399 which includes 10% GST.
this represents $200.00 discount for 8 weeks advance full payment or $100.00 discount for 4 weeks advance payment.
All fees quoted above include 10% GST